

Karoo Peruse

Last weekend was spent exploring a part of South Africa that has never entered too far into my radar - the Karoo.

A drive down to Cape Town became a lazy road trip, with a stay over at the beautiful New Holme Guest Farm in between Hanover and Colesberg... a quiet and loved farm, with a gentle owner and a playful family of 3 daughters, 3 hippos and more than half a dozen new foals, in amongst sheep and two sweet jack russells (not usually a dog a find myself drawn too) and baby sparrows galore.

After half a day of swimming and exploring, a divine dinner and a peaceful night - all I left knowing was that the Karoo with its vast flat expanses, quiet nature and plethora of wildlife is somewhere I could definitely spend some more time! 

Although it must be said that without a pool, or at least a reservoir nearby, the heat would not go unnoticed...

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