

My Soulmate

Curtis, you may have to take second place, but at least it is someone you know dearly so maybe you won't mind...

Ode to t
"Never did one letter bring fourth so much joy.
I am a lonely soldier plucked from his wandering into the presence of gods.
oh this thing, this distilled comfort, a shared smile
oh rapture, thy name is tea!” - Matt Molteno

Thanks to this lady who shares my passion and has so beautifully turned that into a career, I came across this poem... couldn't have explained it better myself! Go check the site of Lady Bonin's Tea Parlour. Its quite delightful really.

Photos from here and Lady Bonin found via here.

1 comment:

  1. oh how i would love to spend a few weeks traveling like this! so lovely!!

    p.s. blogged about YOU today!!! you've been wiggled! loving your blog and wanted to share it with my readers! see it here:
