


Yes, the perfectly simple way to share a meal, be outside, enjoy reading or sleeping or playing a game...
However this "Picnic" is the name given to the humble starting of a small creative duo - that being my sister, Abi, and myself.

From my side, Picnic takes the form of 'handmade handpainted ceramic jewelry'.

This is something I started doing over a year ago, just for fun, to create pieces that I could wear to spice up my own, and rather small, everyday jewelry collection. But after much encouragement I have been putting more energy into it and at the end of last year even went public and set up a tiny stand at a small local market...

The results were far better than I expected: people actually bought my jewelry!!

This year I plan to put that much more energy into this venture... so keep your eyes open.


  1. i love your stuff, really great!

    1. Thanks :) There should be a lot more where that came from in the next few months!
